The graduate follow-up study is an evaluation strategy that allows to know the location, performance and professional development of graduates of a career, in addition, it enables the analysis of adequacy or mismatch between the training and the labor market, their results provide meaningful information for decision-making at the curricular level, even if they should consider the results of other work such as market research, expert opinion, opinions of employers and a thorough analysis of the curricula.
The follow-up study of graduates should be done with the intention to collect sufficient data to reliably identify its location, make the studies completed in subsequent periods, as well as performing work activities, in addition, may have quality indicators that are useful to improve, adapt, restructure or renew the educational offer and determine the degree of satisfaction regarding graduate curricula, faculty and infrastructure of the School of Accounting and Administration.
This procedure will increase communication and lasting relationship which seeks to build a mutually beneficial relationship between the institution and its graduates, allowing to know the interests of different generations to provide guidance and services of interest to all former students.
General Objective:
Specific Objectives: